
All about me. 

Name: Ali.

Birthday: 24/07

Location: Blackpool, England.

Likes: Travel, photography, history, writing, nature, animals. I also enjoy Japanese animation, manga, cosplay and the community that comes with that. Trying new things. Reading, web design.

Dislikes: Heights, spiders, chronic lack of organisation (I like to be organised), oranges and tomatoes.

Dream destinations: I’ve always wanted to see the Rainbow Bridge in Japan. I also want to visit the Nordic countries and to see the Northern Lights before I peg it.

Why spoon thief?: One day I may tell the tale of the spoon thief for your amusement.

Current Camera: A Fujifilm Finepix S8400W. Previously a Fujifilm Finepix F550 EXR.

I decided to start my writing blog as part of my ongoing creative writing course and as a place where I could put some of my creative writing. I have been writing for as long as I can remember but it only really became a passion when I turned 18. I find that writing has a soothing affect on me and that if I go too many days without writing I become despondent. I am trying to get published (that’s the dream of every writer) and in writing this blog I hope to grow an audience and eventually find an agent and perhaps even a publisher. I write from many genres and love to experiment with style. The majority of posts will be short stories but I am writing two longer pieces – The Adventures Of Scott and Mirror Man, which will appear on the blog and another novel length (hopefully) sci fi piece, which I haven’t decided to share here, yet. I hope you enjoy your stay and if you have any questions please feel free to ask!