I am not myself today.It is 3am and I,A valiant knight,Am doing battle.It is here again.The strangler.By day it whispers,The guise it wears,A cloak of shards.Half formed fragments.“But what if..?”“Worst case scenario…”Idea upon idea,All leading to the inevitable.Failure.Its enemy is distraction.Pretty things, pretty words.An unshakeable belief,That it is ridiculous.To those in the know,It is conspicuous.Though every now and then,I have […]
The Surgeon
I closed his chest, stitch by stitch, Life renewed with heartbeats itch. A boy, perhaps, of sixteen years, Yet I, to Death, owed arrears. For from his clutch, with surgeon’s knife, I snatched away my patient’s life. Each day the boy went strength to strength, Any wound should heal at length. Or so I […]
A Suit?
HR sent out a decree. They were looking for an employee. They had to dress smart, Wear a tie, have no heart. I applied as they were looking for me. “Now you’ll have to work Saturdays and Sundays, There’s really no time you’ll be free. You’ll be waiting a year for a pay raise. […]
Peace & War
A villanelle is a poem of 19 lines with a very specific rhyming structure and two refrains which run throughout the piece. I practically tore my hair out trying to get this to work! I hope you enjoy my first attempt at a villanelle. Humanity retreats, history repeats, war. Corruption and greed finds a […]
The Monkey
Tonight I’m going to tell you a story. I promise it’s not angsty, sweary or gory. You’ll get that next week, if you happen to stay. No this tale’s about monkeys and my working day. Some months ago when reviewing a crash. I saw something funny, I started to laugh. Penny leaned over, she pointed […]
When/If – I Wont Say I Love You
A reply to “I won’t say I love you” which is a song from the musical When/If. It’s a very beautiful song and I wanted to use the same song structure to form a reply to the character who was singing the original. Hope you enjoy it! I won’t say I love you, Even though […]
In honour of Valentine’s Day, this is the second poem I wrote for the work competition but this one I chose not to enter. Droplets of sky once formed your eyes. Heart unclouded, you soar as high. As elation, upon your smile. Bright laughter eclipses the stars. I found you. Brought down to the earth […]
Ode To Love
In honour of Valentine’s Day, I’ve written a couple of love poems for a work contest, so I thought I’d post them here! Hope you enjoy. If I could capture the stars from the skies, They could never compare to the light in your eyes. Fever bright, burning with possibility. The tender nothings; of you, […]
They Call Me Conqueror
So whilst most people did monologues involving speaking to another person, drama and a best man’s speech. I wrote about William the Conqueror. I blame Hamilton.. They call me Conqueror, William The, The Franks want to claim me, But that’s not who I’ll be. From every child in school to the elderly, There’s only one […]
New House
Bare rib walls beckon. Cast your eyes for a second. Over an array of the following: Two up, two down. “Moving to a different town.” A display of feature wall damp. Only a tenner? Or maybe a bank! Suspiciously flat roofs. Terracotta coloured loos. Gaping alleys with corrugate teeth. Won’t deter a budding thief. A […]